Snoring Health Risks
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Snoring may seem like a temporary and minor nuisance that can be wished away or forgotten.

But did you know that this “small problem” can often be a sign of more serious health conditions?

The more you snore, the higher your risk of contracting or awakening ailments that are usually expensive to treat. However, most people choose to ignore their snoring condition only to end up treating bigger problems later.

As the old saying goes – a stitch in time saves nine – it is imperative to seek an effective remedy even if your condition seems minor.

So What Are The Health Risks Associated With Snoring?

Below is a closer look at some serious conditions that could take over from the typical rattling if a solution is not sought early enough.

Snoring Health Risks

Snoring Health Risks

Below are some of the ways snoring can affect your health.

This is not meant to scare you but rather to encourage you to find a snoring solution before things get out of hand.

1. Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 DiabetesResearch has indicated that there is a close link between snoring and type 2 Diabetes.

Snoring can increase blood sugar levels because of the stress associated with chronic sleep deprivation and abrupt awakenings in the night.

When one gets stressed, the body tends to release stress hormones which can cause the release of stored glucose into the liver.

As a result, the increased blood sugar levels can contribute to insulin resistance thereby causing type 2 diabetes.

On the other hand, if you already have type 2 diabetes, snoring can make it worse.

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2. High Blood Pressure

High Blood PressureIf you normally snore, your risk of experiencing high blood pressure is greater than if you don’t.

When you fail to breathe well in your sleep as a result of snoring, you can experience sudden drops in blood oxygen levels which leads to some sought of strain in the cardiovascular system thereby leading to high blood pressure.

Often times, people with high blood pressure caused by snoring experience no symptoms at all so it’s important to get your pressure checked as often as possible as a snorer.

3. Chronic Headaches

Chronic HeadachesSnorers often report frequent morning chronic headaches, which are due to the alterations in the levels of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the blood-stream.

Because breathing stops so often, the person does not get adequate oxygen and this causes carbon dioxide to build up in the blood.

This on the other hand affects the nervous system and interferes with blood flow to the brain thereby resulting in a throbbing headache.

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4. Heart Disease And Stroke

Heart DiseaseToo much snoring is related to the risk of carotid atherosclerosis which is a condition of narrowing of the arteries in the neck because of fatty deposits.

This condition usually leads to stroke so the louder and longer you snore every night, the greater your long term risk for a stroke.

In addition, people who snore are also more likely to experience heart diseases or attacks due to low oxygen or the stress of waking up often.

These multiple episodes of low blood oxygen can eventually lead to sudden death if not treated early.

5. Gastoesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

This is heartburna very common disorder in people who snore and more especially in those with sleep apnea. It is a chronic digestive disease in which the stomach acids usually back-up into the esophagus and irritate its tender lining during sleep.

Because of the way a snorer throat closes while air moves in and out of the lungs, the changes in pressure can cause this condition.

6. Sleep Deprivation

Sleep DeprivationLoud snoring can keep those around you (and even the snorer) from getting a good night sleep because of the frequent waking from sleep. This leads to drowsiness during the day and can interfere with their quality of life.

If sleep deprivation becomes so intense it can put you and the people around you at risk.

This condition also contributes to mood swings, depression, chronic over-eating, irritability and decreased mental capacity in some cases if snoring is not treated early.

7. Cardiac Arrhythmias

Irregular HeartbeatPeople who snore often risk developing an irregular heart rhythm or cardiac arrhythmias, most commonly of which is atrial fibrillation.

This is where the heart may beat too fast, too slow or irregularly. While this condition is non-life threatening, when coupled with sleep apnea it can be a serious cardiac condition.


As you can see, what may seem like a small problem could actually end up being at the heart of chronic illnesses. Therefore, if you have a snoring problem, make sure you get a long-lasting solution to it as early as possible.

That alone could save your money and protect you from a future full of pain and suffering. You can also choose one of our recommended snoring devices below:

Top Snoring Devices Of 2021

Anti-Snoring Chinstrap (Editor's Choice)

Stop Snoring Wristband

Anti-Snoring Mouthguard

Tongue Retaining Device

Stop Snoring Nose Clip






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About the Author

James Bradshaw is a former chronic snorer that have discovered how to finally say Bye Bye To Snoring. Now he dedicate is life to helping other snorers get relief by providing remedies and recommendations on some of the Best Anti-Snoring Devices on the market.

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