Anti Snoring Mouthpiece
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Your Are About To Discover The Best Stop Snoring Mouthpiece Reviews That Will Determine The Best Solution For Your Unique Case!

Snoring is a controversial topic in our society.

Some see it as a matter that should be kept private within the confines of the bedroom while others think of it as a laughing matter.

But as it turns out, snoring is serious business – especially if you are the one snoring!

But before we even talk about anti snoring mouthpiece reviews, it is worth acknowledging that snoring is a health condition like any other. Laughing or mocking a snorer only worsens things – it exacerbates the condition and wrecks the individual’s self-esteem.

On the other hand, hiding the problem or attempting to ignore it may lead to even worse symptoms.

Stop Snoring Mouthpiece Reviews[alert-note]A seemingly “small” snoring problem could result in more complications if left unattended to.[/alert-note]

Stop Snoring Mouthpiece ReviewsAs such, it is important to maintain a healthy routine by not only living a healthy life but also acquiring a device that can get to the bottom of the problem.

Remember, snoring is an involuntary activity that is totally beyond the control of the snorer.

According to WebMD, 45% of normal adults snore at least occasionally – if you are one of them don’t worry because we are here to help you find a permanent solution to your problem.


Here’s Why You Are You Snoring:

Deep inside your mouth, just behind the tongue lies a tissue commonly known as the soft palate. Some people just call it the roof of the mouth.

This tissue has no bone unlike the “hard palate” that is found on the front end of the mouth.

On either side of the soft palate are tonsils (these should not be confused with the uvula; a cone-shaped mass of tissue that hangs down).

Anatomy Of The Mouth
Fig 1. Anatomy Of The Mouth

Usually, when we go to sleep, all our muscles tend to relax essentially giving in to pressure to sag.

The soft palate and the tongue being muscles are not immune to this impact. They sag and hang along causing partial blockage of airflow.

When this happens, a vibration sound is produced as the air forces its way in and out of the lungs.

Sometimes this vibration comes out as a soft sound but in some cases the vibration is annoyingly loud and produces the snoring sound.

Factors That Contribute To Snoring

Factors That Causes Snoring

First Among Them Is Fat:

When you accumulate too much fat around the throat then you likelihood of snoring also rises.

Blockage Of The Nasal Passage:

Another cause of snoring is obstruction of the nasal passageway because, for obvious reasons, when air is blocked from moving freely within the nose then there is bound to be some vibration.

Sleeping Positions Are Also A Top Factor:

For some people, sleeping on the back can cause the tongue and soft palate to tilt backwards and block the airway.

Also, There Are Some Drugs That Can Worsen This Condition:

For instance, if you drink alcohol just before you go to sleep then there is a higher likelihood of snoring.

How Do You Find The Best Stop Snoring Mouthpiece /Mouth Guard?

How To Know If A Device Works?

There are quite a few factors worth considering when it comes to comparing different anti snoring mouthpiece reviews prior to making a choice.

The key factors in our snoring mouthpieces comparison are:

(a) If The Mouthpiece For Snoring  Works

With the internet offering so many cheap varieties nowadays, finding one that works effectively can be difficult.

In order to be sure you are investing in a product that offers good value for money, it is imperative to find one that meets basic health requirements in terms of design and proportions.

(b) Pricing

You will be surprised to find that some products are either crazily cheap or surprisingly overpriced.

In order for you to find one that gives you good value for money without breaking the bank, it is important to have a wider perspective of the marketplace.

This article gives you that perspective by comparing different anti snoring mouthpiece reviews available on the market vis-a-vis value for money.

(c) Manufacturer’s Reputation

We live in a digital world where it is possible to start a company, run it from your bedroom and still look big in the online world.

And because it is difficult to tell the difference between legitimate and illegitimate manufacturers, we have done a good job of identifying brands that can be trusted in a competitive marketplace.

You don’t want to lose your money to a fly-by-night warrior, our goal is to help you link up with brands worthy of repute.

How Do You Find An Anti Snore Mouthpiece /Mouth Guard That Works?

A good product is one that meets the highest standards of manufacturing, processing and packaging.

  • But how do you tell if a product is worth its salt?
  • How do you tell that the manufacturing practices are beyond reproach?

There are three ways to go about this.

(a) Third Party Testing

Third party testing is important because it ensures the manufacturer is examined by an independent quality control organization.

Some companies intentionally ignore the importance of third party testing because they know that their products may be disqualified for failing to attain set standards.

If you buy a product that is not duly checked by a third-party then you stand the risk of getting a substandard unit that may not meet your requirements (or even endanger your health).

(b) Independent Monitoring Of Product/Company

Besides third party testing, it is imperative for the company to be properly monitored over time.

You basically want to work with a company that has a proven track record of standing behind quality. Look for a company that values its reputation. And remember, bad reputation or lack of it is a clear red flag.

(c) Money Back Guarantee

Even the most trusted brands have their fair share of weaknesses. So don’t be fooled that you don’t need a money back guarantee cover for any product.

Usually, a company that strongly believes in its stop snoring mouthpiece will confidently stand behind it and offer full money back guarantee to cater for any potential efficacy issues that may arise after the purchase.

Our Stop Snoring Mouthpieces Comparison Research Covered The Following:

snoring mouthpieces comparison

We scanned through dozens of anti snoring mouthpieces reviews and what we discovered is quite shocking.

While some companies brag about their products having over 90% efficiency rate, independent research showed that majority of these are false claims.

[alert-note]Although some snoring mouthpieces are designed using the right technology and materials, they may not always work for you.[/alert-note]

Some may even cause your mouth to drool while others may irritate your tongue.

We also found out that there are a number of companies that don’t bother to take their companies through independent testing to avoid being closely monitored.

Overall, after taking all crucial factors into consideration, we were able to identify the best anti snoring mouthpieces that have earned a good reputation on the marketplace.

Some of them may not be perfect, but they do work in some cases. Others may not be popular but they still have a fair share of benefits to offer.

With that being said, here are our best Anti Snoring Mouthpieces Reviews:


Our #1 Pick – Good Morning Snore Solution

Benefits Of Good Morning Snoring Solution

Good Morning Snore Solution also referred to as GMMS is one of the top snoring mouthpieces on the market.

It is designed to use simple suction to gently pull your tongue in between your teeth thereby keeping your throat clear.

By using innovative technology, this appliance activates tongue displacement technology which is more comfortable than what jaw displacement devices like mouth guards offer.

Wearing the GMSS is a bit reminiscent of a baby sucking on a pacifier.

And just in about the same way a pacifier works wonders to silence a crying baby, Research suggests that the GMSS anti snore mouth piece can work wonders for people struggling with snoring.

GMSS Snoring MouthpieceThe main selling point of this product is that it is comfortable to wear and easy to use.

The FDA categorizes it as a class II medical device and it is even available on prescription for treatment of snoring in the USA.

On average, the lifespan of this anti-snore mouthpiece is about 12 months. However, that may increase or decrease, depending on how you care for the device.

On the downside, though, most people experience some level of soreness when they start using the Good Morning Snore Solution.

This soreness can however be lessened by sleeping on a sloped or wedge-shaped pillow (or simply sleeping on your side as opposed to the back).

Company’s Reputation

This is an invention of a team of Calgary Dentists from the UK.

It has been clinically proven and duly cleared by FDA, Health Canada, ARTG and EEA.

Does Good Morning Snore Solution Work?

Good Morning Snoring Solution Review

This works quite well especially among people with a BMI range of 25 to 30.

In general more than 2/3 of overweight users who try this device may get good results. People with above or below that BMI range may experience mixed results.



Our #2 PickZQuiet Snoring Mouth Guard

ZQuiet Mouthpiece

One unique thing about ZQuiet mouthpieces to stop snoring is that it was designed to fit nearly everyone with no need for boiling and molding.

You simply wear it as it is provided but if it does not fit you properly you can trim it with scissors (and then use your finger nail or emery board to smooth rough edges to prevent irritation).

Generally, it is made from a thermoplastic elastometer material that is made in accordance to FDA compliance guidelines.

ZQuiet Snoring MouthpieceThis material is passed through consumer safety testing and does not contain Bisphenol A (BPA) or latex.

On the sides, the ZQuiet anti-snore mouthpiece has a living hinge that makes it flexible so that you can easily move your mouth or even speak while wearing it.

Once you do that, it supports your jaw and leaves enough space for air to flow freely even when you are asleep.

And also, in addition to its creative design, it is built with airflow posts which ensure that you can completely close your mouth and still breathe well.

Company’s Reputation

The appliance is entirely made in America by a company that is positively listed on the Better Business Bureau.

The FDA categorizes it as a class II medical device.

It is therefore safe to say that the manufacturer seems reputable and trustworthy because they are willing to put their products through third-party testing and monitoring.

Does The ZQuiet Snoring Device Work?

Zquiet Package

With an effectiveness of well over 70% ZQuiet works for majority of people who manage to fit it properly.

However, the one-size-fits-all concept may not work for everyone.



Our #3 PickVitalSleep Stop Snoring Mouthpiece

VitalSleep Stop Snoring Mouthpiece

VitalSleep anti-snore mouthpiece is technically a mandibular advancement device that is claimed to be flexible, adjustable, easy to use and comfortable.

It is available in two different sizes – “small” size for women and “regular” size for men.

The appliance is cleared by FDA and is both BPA- and latex free.

It also comes with a one year warranty, which is a good thing because it helps to protect you from any failures or unforeseen breakdowns in the product.

VitalSleep Snoring MouthpieceOne of the most outstanding features of this top rated snoring mouthpiece is that it comes with a hex-key adjustment feature that allows you to customize the fit and adjust the size until it fits comfortably within your jaws.

Note that this can be adjusted on both the right and left sides for a perfect and balanced fit.

VitalSleep offers micro-adjustability of up to 7mm with boil and bite features that are critical in preventing it from moving out of place when one falls asleep.

It has a substantially large air hole to provide you with adequate natural airflow. The design also enables you to breathe through your nose as well as mouth – a feature that adds to the naturalness of your breathing.

[alert-note]In addition to all these benefits, this anti-snoring mouthpiece offers customers free replacements for one full year if they are not entirely satisfied with the product. [/alert-note]

This is of course in addition to a 30-day money back guarantee.

One of its downsides however is that it is a bit difficult to clean. It has contoured to provide a natural fit to the mouth and that leaves many corners and holes that can make cleaning a bit of a task.

Company’s Reputation

VitalSleep is manufactured by an American-based company has had most of its products cleared by the FDA.

The company is transparent since it has handed some of its products for third-party testing and monitoring.

Does VitalSleep Stop Snore Mouthpiece Work?

VitalSleep Stop Snoring Mouthpiece Diagram

This product deserves our thumbs up.

It has somewhat great features and the value that it provides at its cost is reasonable.

It may not be perfect for everyone but it promises an efficacy rate of at least 75%.




Our #4 PickSleepTight Mouthpiece

Sleeptight Snoring MouthguardWhen you see it for the very first time SleepTight may appear like any other over-hyped MAD out there.

But a closer look at it shows some subtle differences that give it a clear edge over the competition.

Yes it is made in the usual jaw shape and uses the usual thermoplast material but its design is a bit different. Unlike other snore mouthpieces that cannot be worn by those who wear dentures, this one allows for partial dentures.

Its boil-and-bite provides a more customized fit meaning you can get better results with it than with any other MAD out there.

They even have a patent pending for this kind of technology.

And to top it all up, this device can be re-used for as many as 24 months which is way above any other product we have reviewed so far.

Company’s Reputation

The device was designed in the USA and made in the UK.

The company behind it is not a household but rather the doctor behind – Dr Williams is a professional of repute. Above all, this device has been approved by the FDA.

Does SleepTight Work?

SleepTight definitely works but that said, no mouthpiece is a perfect solution. It delivers an efficacy rate of about 80%.

We found SleepTight MAD to be an effective anti-snoring solution.

It is not overly bulky and it fits well. We also liked the fact that you don’t have to pay the full amount to try it.

You can order for $9.95 and use it for 30 days – then if it works, the company will surcharge the remaining $69.95 but if it does not work, you can return it and stop any further charges.




Our #5 PickSnoreMeds Snoring Mouthoiece

SnoreMeds Snoring DeviceSnoreMeds is a relatively popular mouthpiece to stop snoring that is sold across the globe.

It is made using high quality material that has been approved by FDA for being BPA and latex free.

This therefore insures the device is softer and more comfortable than any other plastic material you may come across out there.

The product comes with a 45 day money back guarantee on its single pack.

But How Does SnoreMeds Work?

Snoremeds is designed to move the jaw into a slightly forward direction and to hold it there throughout the night. The whole idea is to create enough room for air to flow in freely by simply enlarging the airway behind the soft palate.

The MAD utilizes the popular boil-and-bite technology. Its hypoallergenic thermoplastic material tends to soften up when it is placed inside hot water.

After cooling down, the device can then be worn so it takes the shape of the upper and lower teeth respectively.

*Timing is important.

If you boil it more or less than recommended it may not properly take the shape of your teeth.

*Because the thermoplastic material tends to retain heat, a special spatula is provided for easy handling and placement. You should therefore be careful about how you transfer the appliance from the hot water to your mouth.

*You need to be careful how forward you move your lower jaw once the softened mouthpiece is worn.

If you’re timid then jaw re-position will not be enough to make any meaningful difference to airflow through your airway. On the other hand, if you’re too aggressive, then the re-position may be too much and you could end up with a sore jaw the next morning.

Company’s Reputation

As far as we are concerned, there are no serious concerns that have been raised about this companies reputation.

Their brand is still not well known but a few of those who have talked about it in various stop snoring mouthpieces reviews have mostly said positive things about them.

Does It Work?

Snoremeds has a success rate of just above 70%.

You however need to be careful the way you wear it. Being too aggressive or too timid might interfere with its efficacy.




Our #6 PickAirsnore Stops Snoring Mouthpiece

Airsnore Mouthguard Airsnore is relatively simple but well designed anti snoring mouthpiece that claims to offer an alternative to the uncomfortable, heavy-duty anti-snoring apparatus available on the market.

Like most of the other devices we’ve seen in this review, this one also relies of boil-and-bite technology to provide a snug-fit.

Once you wear it, it adjusts your jaw upwards in order to open your upper airway by containing the soft palate.

There is nothing really fancy about this mouthpiece. It works by supporting your jaw so as to prevent some of the soft tissues in your mouth from sagging and blocking your airflow when you go to sleep.

Its design is quite basic.

It is made using BPA- and latex free thermoplastic elastometer material that smoothens after being placed in hot water. You wear it and it takes the shape of your mouth as it cools down to normal temperature thereby providing a natural fit.

You can wear this without any professional guidance.

Its basic design means it is easy to clean and maintain and can therefore provide effective service to the wearer over a period of 6 months.

In addition to the MAD, the supplier also sells a special blend of natural oils which is packaged in a dropper for use.

This blend is rich with soothing and antiseptic properties which clears blocked airways and eases your breathing. Another advantage of this product is that it soothes you to sleep.

Company’s Reputation

Not much information about this company is freely available out there.

From the look of things it seems like this is a new company that is trying to make in-roads in the world of marketing anti-snoring solutions.

However, its newness notwithstanding, AirSnore offers a good product that is worth checking out. In addition, the company offers 60 day money back guarantee on all purchases.

Does Airsnore Work?

Our research showed that this product may work in some cases and fail in some. Overall, it achieves an approval rating of 55%.

The product however still lags behind in terms of embracing modern tech features like calibrators and posi locks, which are essential for maximizing effectiveness.

It will be interesting to see what direction the AirSnore brand will take with its future innovation, but one thing is for sure – this is a product worth checking out.



Our #7 PickSnoreMD Pro Snoring Mouthpiece

SnoreMD Pro One thing that stands out about SnoreMD is its price.

It is more expensive than most other mouthpieces that we have reviewed and so the big question is “Is it worth the cost?

This appliance is made using the usual thermoplastic material which allows for perfect fitting to the mouth without irritating the gum.

It has a micro-fit calibration that lets the wearer adjust in increments of 1 mm to ensure that it will be able to fit the mouth properly.

Another unique feature that probably justifies the price is the posi-lock addition that ensures the mouthpiece retains its adjustments throughout the night. Not many other mouthpieces have this feature and in fact most of them tend to lose their adjustments as the wearer tosses and turns throughout the night.

Besides that, this MAD provides a large hole in between dubbed the F-flow which allows for free flow of air even when the mouth is closed.

The product has been cleared by the FDA to be used by patients all over USA and abroad and it has a patent pending.

Its unique design and additional features are its main selling points. On the downside, though, it has a lifespan of 7 to 12 months which is short considering its high price.

Company’s Reputation

The company that manufactures SnoreMD is a US-based brand that is recognized by all relevant authorities. It is quite encouraging to see that they have submitted their product to FDA and received an approval.

The fact that they have a patent pending means they are creative enough to come up with unique technology, which cannot be easily found elsewhere.

Does SnoreMD Pro Work?

This MAD works by re-positioning your jaw to create sufficient space for airflow.

It has an efficacy rate of about 90% especially among those who snore due to soft-palate and tongue related issues. That efficacy rate is however much less among people who snore due to nasal blockage or other underlying issues.



Our #8 Pick Therasnore Anti Snoring Mouthiece

Therasnore MouthpieceTherasnore MAD is a brainchild of Dr. Thomas E. Meade who founded Distar LLC in 1989.

Distar is basically a research company that focuses on dentistry and sleep apnea.

They have created several products although their first major breakthrough with the Therasnore brand was in 1997 when it was formally introduced to the American Dental Association.

This appliance works like any other mouthpiece for snoring but it enjoys more legitimacy owing to the fact that it has been in the market for quite a long time.

It utilizes thermoplastic to provide a custom fit with 5 adjustable settings. It comes with a one year warranty and on average it can be re-used on a day-today basis for up to 2 years (or even longer if you don’t use it daily).

The product has been clinically tested and proven to eliminate a number of mild snoring conditions along with moderate sleep apnea. Its design and mechanism has been approved by the FDA in the USA and NHS in the UK.

Company’s Reputation

The company that owns it has been creating mouthpieces for nearly 20 years and this is their 4th generation product.

To this end, the company has a stunning track record attracting a 93% satisfaction rate.

Does Therasnore Mouth Guard Work?

Yes it works but it mainly benefits those whose snoring emanates from jaw displacement.

Its efficacy rate can be estimated at 78%.



Our #9 PickSleepPro Snoring Device

SleepPro Snoring DeviceThere are two factors that attracted us to SleepPro MAD i.e. its low price and its customization options.

What that means is that if you order one and it does not fit you as comfortably as you would like it to, it is possible to request the company for a custom-made replacement (of course at an additional cost if the 30—day money back guarantee period has elapsed).

The device boasts Easifit boil-and-bite technology which makes it easy to wear particularly if you mold it with your jaw slightly pushed forward.

In case you are worried about breathing when wearing it, you will be happy to learn that it has a large hole in the middle to ensure a natural flow of air.

Above all you can order for a custom-fit option if you wear dentures.

Company’s Reputation

This product is produced by a team of dentists based in the UK. However, SleepPro is yet to receive FDA approval.

Does SleeepPro Mouth Guard Work?

Its technology heavily borrows on the model used by many MADs available out there.

So going by that reasoning it is safe to say that it works – although it may not work for everyone. Its success rate may be estimated at 60%.

The issue however is that the company has not made mention of whether the material used is latex- or BPA free.



Final Word

The list of snoring mouthpiece reviews is endless.

With new manufacturers setting up shop every other day and with new technology being unleashed; one can only expect this list to continue growing.

What is important is to find a product that meets your specific needs and one that has been tested and proven to be effective.

With that being said, from our list of the best snoring mouthpiece above, we recommend you go with our #1 pickGood Morning Snore Solution.

About the Author

James Bradshaw is a former chronic snorer that have discovered how to finally say Bye Bye To Snoring. Now he dedicate is life to helping other snorers get relief by providing remedies and recommendations on some of the Best Anti-Snoring Devices on the market.

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