SleepTight Mouthpiece Review
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SleepTight mouthpiece was developed by a US dentist Dr. Mike Williams and UK design expert Paul Swan as a response to growing cases of snoring and sleep apnea.

The good dentist (a one-time victim of snoring problems) sat down and envisioned a product that would solve a problem that affects at least 44% of Americans. The product was originally introduced in 2014 but it did not gain worldwide recognition until the company produced several versions of it using the latest technology and feedback captured from thousands of snorers.

Today’s version of SleepTight’s mouthpiece promises to deliver a high rate of success by using non-invasive means to get to the bottom of the problem.

  • But are these claims true?
  • Does SleepTight Really Work To Stop Snoring?
  • What are the pros and cons to using this device?
  • Should you try it or are there better options available?

All these and more questions will be answered in our SleepTight review below. This review’s objective is to provide you with adequate information about this device from an unbiased perspective. That way, you’ll know without a shadow of a doubt if this device is right for you.

SleepTight Review – Product Overview

Sleeptight Mouthpiece

NOTE: This article is only a review of the SleepTight Mouthpiece. If you are looking to make a purchase, you need to click here to visit the official website.

The SleepTight Mouthpiece is considered a boil-and-bite style mouthpiece that can be customized in the comfort of your home. SleepTight MAD gently holds the lower jaw forward to prevent snoring. By re-adjusting your jaw, muscles and tissues surrounding the windpipe tighten up and leave the airway open.

A tighter, clear airway will not disrupt airflow or vibrate.

Although this mouthpiece has been on the market for just a few years, the idea behind it has been studied by experts for several decades now and has proven to be highly effective. In one scientific study that was published on the US National Library of Medicine National Institute of Health, 630 men and women with snoring were examined to assess MAD treatment success rate.

This study concluded that using a mandibular adjustment device can indeed reduce chances of snoring and save the user from the need for a costly and painful surgery.

Following that encouraging discovery, today there are dozens of different mouthpiece options to choose from with the SleepTight brand being one of them.

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How Different Is SleepTight From Other Devices?

This product is made from EVA thermoplastic resin, which can be remolded when placed in hot water prior to being worn. It comes with a large breathing hole that is located at the front portion of the u-shaped appliance – the purpose of this hole is to allow you to breathe (effortlessly) through your mouth and nose.

Another outstanding feature of this mouthpiece is that it contains teeth ridges, which provide perfect resting joints for the teeth. This simple addition provides one with a much-needed custom fit and it can as well go a long way in making the user feel natural when wearing the MAD.

The out-of-the-box design makes it possible to use this product for clenching, TMJ biting guard, pregnancy snoring and/or CPAP. But perhaps the best selling feature of SleepTight is comfort.

If you don’t feel comfortable when you first wear it, you can always tweak it for desired results. You can remold the thermoplastic up to 4 or 5 times.

How Does Sleeptight Work?

Watch The Video Overview Below:

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Features Of The Sleeptight Mouth-Guard

At first glance, the mouthpiece can easily pass for just another one of the overrated boil and bite mouthpieces. It is not until you actually look at it closely that you will realize that this product offers unique features that help to differentiate it from a long list of mouth guards that are available.

Extra Large Breather Hole 

Sleeptight Breather HoleIf you have a tendency to breathe through your mouth at night, a large clear hole is a desirable feature in a mouthpiece. SleepTight comes with a hole that measures 0.9×0.25 inches.

This large hole creates room for air to enter and leave the mouth freely without producing any unwanted sounds. Depending on the MAD’s design, smaller holes tend to produce a whistling sound during heavy breathing as air is forced through a narrow opening.

Another advantage of having a large breather hole is that if you suffer from sinus, allergies, nasal inflammation, colds, polyps and deviated septum you will still be able to maintain normal breathing even when wearing an MAD.

Well Articulated Teeth Ridges

There are nineteen raised teeth ridges strategically position along the upper and lower trays. These are not just any ridges. The manufacturers have designed each ridge to coincide with the natural positioning of teeth for a more natural fit. As a result, when you boil and bite on the surface – the end result is usually a tighter and more comfortable fit.

Another thing about these raised teeth ridges is that they are part of the laminate design (discussed below) and they are mainly made of soft, gel-like material which becomes pliable when placed in hot water for two minutes. The end goal is to ensure a smoother, natural and comfortable fit.

Layered Laminate Design

If you look closely at the anatomy of the SleepTight mouthguard, you will notice that it is actually made up of three layers of material. Its center framework is made from a flexible thermoplastic that occupies about 1.5mm layer. The upper and lower layers are made of softer, pliable material.

When placed in hot water, the two outer layers soften up allowing for the surface to create a near-perfect impression of the wearer’s mouth. The hardened center framework also becomes softer upon boiling while still providing a strong skeleton that is needed to ensure the product has a long shelf-life.

The idea of putting a dual laminate layer is meant to by-pass two common problems that users of other MAD often complain about i.e customization and lifespan. Softer layers are easier to mold and fit inside the mouth and harder center layer is all that is needed to enhance the products strength.

This creative design is unique to SleepTight and a patent for it is pending. The company has already gotten FDA approval to market but the paper-work is not yet available due to government bureaucracy (a common happening).

The Pros And Cons Of SleepTight Mouthpiece

  • It was designed by an experienced dentist who is all too familiar with the problem of snoring.
  • It has an extra large hole to allow for free breathing through the mouth.
  • It utilizes boil and bite technology to provide a snug fit.
  • Low upfront fees lets you test the appliance for 30 days before you can make a full payment.
  • It is durable and can be re-used for up to 2 years.
  • Can be re-moulded up to 5 times without compromising the material.
  • You can wear it even if you have partial dentures as long as there are some teeth to hold it in place.
  • It has a simple anatomy which is easy to clean.
  • The manufacturer has not stated clearly whether the material used is BPA-free.
  • The design does not allow for further adjustment like what happens with MADs that come with a calibrator.
  • The wearer may experience uncontrollable salivation during the first few days of using it. This is because the body may detect it as a food substance.
  • The material can stain if you clean it with mouthwash or toothpaste

Final Word

We found SleepTight MAD to be an effective anti-snoring solution. It is not overly bulky and it fits well. We also liked the fact that you don’t have to pay the full amount to try it. You can order for $9.95 and use it for 30 days – then if it works, the company will surcharge the remaining $69.95 but if it does not work, you can return it and stop any further charges.

If you are looking for a mouthpiece that would allow you to breathe easily and will not fall during the night, then our SleepTight review, can confirm that this is one of the few good brands out there that are worth trying.

Visit Official Website

Click Here To Visit The Official SleepTight’s Website.


About the Author

James Bradshaw is a former chronic snorer that have discovered how to finally say Bye Bye To Snoring. Now he dedicate is life to helping other snorers get relief by providing remedies and recommendations on some of the Best Anti-Snoring Devices on the market.

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